Sep 14, 2023Liked by Hoang Samuelson

Loved this post! I've just returned from Portugal and Spain and we had a few stressful moments, but nothing like yours. Well done for keeping it together (and staying married). You certainly deserved your dinner.

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A delightful post that vicariously reminded me of how much I love Paris (especially the frites but the steak tartar not so much!). Your tale of running for trains and missed connections reminded me of a misadventure we had in Italy in late August 2001 just days before the the Sept. 11 attacks. It's a long story that I may save for a post sometime, but suffice it to say I ended up on one train heading for Milan (en route to a connecting train to Paris for a flight back to the U.S.) without a ticket or money while my husband and teenage son were on another--no cellphones. I imagined disappearing forever without a trace, but through several strokes of fortune we reconnected in Paris, having somehow ended up on the same overnight train in different compartments! I was going to write about this, but 9/11 happened and I never did. Train travel in Europe is a miracle compared to some parts of the U.S. (like Los Angeles!), but it can also lead to some pretty hair-raising and funny stories! Thanks for yours--and the cool pictures of your very cute family!

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